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[GWICC2012]世界聚焦在预防心血管疾病和脑卒中--WHF主席Sidney Smith专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/10/12 13:19:10    加入收藏
 关键字:非传染性疾病 预防 脑卒中 

  International Circulation: There is already a lot of emphasis on secondary treatment after heart disease has already developed. Now there will be this emphasis on prevention. What are some of the steps that need to be taken for prevention? How do we improve the current situation?
  Dr Smith: I think that prevention in all of heart disease and stroke starts with lifestyle. Do not smoke cigarettes. Get exercise. Eat a healthy diet. And if you have high blood pressure, have it treated. The cardiologists around the world have got to move beyond waiting for a heart attack to occur and then putting in a stent. I am still very active in the cardiac cath-lab. We don’t have enough cath-labs in the world or enough stents to get this epidemic under control. I think that Professor Hu Dayi is setting a wonderful example by saying that cardiologists must step forward. We must emphasize the importance of exercise. Cardiologists should set the example; they should not be smoking. Cardiologists really need to get involved in prevention and I think it is going to happen with partnerships. We see here at the meeting now, sports medicine making presentations with cardiologists. By developing teams and working together, we can really make a difference.

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