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 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2007/10/25 17:00:00    加入收藏
 关键字:Reilly 介入 

 INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION:The coronary stent has been in clinical use for 10-15years. In your opinion, what characteristics should an ideal stent have?

PROF.JOHN.REILLY:Sure, the ideal stent would be a stent that could give good support and keep the artery open. It is very important
initially to prevent abrupt occlusion of the artery, so that is the primary focus or characteristic of a good stent. Stents have been plagued by restenosis.The ideal stents would have zero restonosis, currently drug eluting stents(DES) have made tremendous progress toward that objective, cutting that risk restenosis in half, and now its single digit percentages, but  not zero. So ideal stents should have no restenosis and will no consequences for having zero restenosis. Also there are some concerns now about thrombosis, for the DES ,there is very late thrombosis. So an ideal stent should have no thrombosis. And it may or may not have to be permamently implanted. There are some works going on the bio absorbable stents, they hold the artery open and fade away.And that maybe the solution that address the issue restonosis and thrombosis.

 INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION:What kind of preventive measures or strategies we should use to prevent restenosis, because although there is very low
restenosis rate in DES, but there is still some?

PROF.JOHN.REILLY:That is another very good question. In fact about two dozens, 24or 25 different drugs or vitamin supplements have been
investigated. In bare metal stents, we try to eliminate restenosis before we came up the planting the drug on the stent. Another strategy is radiation therapy to keep the restenosis from recurring. But in order to prevent the restenosis from happening completely, I think right now what we may be to do is to make some adjustment to DES. Maybe the elution time of the drug, how long the drug is present, over what time course the drug releases, may be it needs to be longer or needs to be shorter, maybe we need to change characteristics?maybe different drugs or maybe be more effective ones?We just came into the era of second generation drugs, we have been using Sirolimus, Palitaxel drugs. We will soon to see in US the Zotarolimus,Evirolimus, maybe here in China there are some other drugs as well, maybe the combination of drugs will be solution.

 INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION:Dou you think distal protection device is effective in preventing embolism in PCI

PROF.JOHN.REILLY:We use embolic protection devices in the carotid artery and we have spoken before about distal protection or getting
proximal protection to prevent emboli from travelling into the brain from carotic intervention.We use embolic protective device in saphenous vein graft intervention.The one problem in the native circulation is side branches, although you work very carefully, you may prefentially push that emboli down into side-branches as blood flow and move it into distal coronary arteries.I think the proximal protection may solve that problem to some degree if not completely because of the collateral circulation too. The sapheous vein graft and carotic arteries are straight shot and no side branches for embolic material to run off into, so it is ideally suited for embolic protection. I don’t know how embolic protection will play a role for native coronary arteries, but with current technology it is not easy to accomplish that.

 INTERNATIONAL CIRCULATION:You must have encountered no reflow or slow flow in intervention operation and what do you do to prevent or solve
these problems in your lab?

PROF.JOHN.REILLY:The slow flow and no reflow occur after coronary intervention. We try to give vasodilator first, at the beginning, such as
nitroprusside or calcium channel blockers like verapamil. Inject that through the guide catheter down the bypass graft to try to open up microcirculation as much as possible. I don’t have any good data to support that, but we try use it anecdotally, it seems that this helps. Once you get no reflow, that is very difficult to distal delivery of microcirculatory vasodilatories such as nitroprusside calcium or channel blockers, but that is matter of time. The dosage is 30-40ug/ one bolus and the con


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