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[ASH2012]解读继发性高血压的相关问题——美国North Carolina大学Chapel Hill分校家庭医学部Anthony J. Viera教授专访

作者:A.J.Viera 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/5/24 16:33:31    加入收藏
 关键字:继发性高血压 睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 A.J.Viera 

  <International Circulation>:What are the common causes of secondary hypertension that physicians mistakenly diagnose and how can physicians avoid that mistaken diagnosis?
  Prof. Viera: The error to avoid, if one is to test for causes of secondary hypertension such as pheochromocytoma or renal vascular disease, is to make sure that the tests done are sensitive and specific enough and that they are done in the correct manner. For pheochromocytoma for example the testing for plasma metanephrines must be done according to a very standard protocol else you risk a false positive. A false positive could then lead to someone being labeled with having a pheochromocytoma when they really do not. It is not so much that the test is negative because if the test is negative it is probably good reassurance that they do not have pheochromocytoma. But if the test is positive and was performed incorrectly, that could be a false positive.


  <International Circulation>:What are the reasons that physicians might miss the diagnosis of secondary hypertension?
  Prof. Viera: The two major times when a physician should reconsider their diagnosis are at the time of a new diagnosis of hypertension and when the patient’s hypertension has been difficult to control. The time that is probably more overlooked than the other is the new evaluation. Some people with hypertension may be assumed to have essential hypertension and not to have a secondary underlying cause and thus not have the complete new patient evaluation. The ways then to avoid missing secondary hypertension are to ensure a systematic approach to every newly diagnosed hypertensive patient. The history, exam and laboratories recommended for the new patient are partly designed to exclude secondary causes. And then secondarily, a patient who’s hypertension has been difficult to control, regardless of whether the initial evaluation led the clinician to make a diagnosis of or consider a diagnosis of secondary hypertension or not, if it is a resistant hypertension or very difficult to control on three or maybe more medications, it is at that time that the physician should reconsider secondary causes and in particular the most common secondary causes such as aldosteronism, which may be missed at the initial evaluation because not all aldosteronism presents with the classic low potassium level. Thirty percent of patients with aldosteronism actually have normal potassium levels and therefore it could be missed. The only clue is that you can’t get the blood pressure under control. I think that is the trick; to remember to consider it systematically at the new evaluation and to reconsider it in patients whose blood pressure is very difficult to control. Of course it should be considered in all children because 85% of children less than twelve years of age have a secondary cause although obesity is becoming more prevalent amongst children and essential hypertension (i.e. hypertension with no secondary cause) is also becoming more prevalent among children at least here in the United States.


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