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[ESC2010]Sanjit Jolly ESC 2010 Interview

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/10/13 11:49:38    加入收藏
 关键字:Sanjit Jolly   STE-ACS   OASIS 5研究  磺达肝癸钠 依诺肝素 

    <International Circulation>: Guidelines from different regions have different recommendations for the application of fondaparinux in patients with ACS undergoing PCI. What is your view of this situation?


    Prof. Jolly: You are correct. The European guidelines gave a stronger endorsement in patients who are undergoing an early invasive strategy than the American guidelines. I think this represents the uncertainty around what heparin dose to use and how to treat these patients. We now have much more clear information regarding this and perhaps the guidelines will change.


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