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 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/10/11 11:42:00    加入收藏
 关键字:A.M.Heagerty教授 心血管疾病 高血压 防治指南 心理疾病 

    <International Circulation>: There is a large difference between the control rates in different countries. For instance, the control rate in Canada is quite high compared to the control rate in China. What can ISH do to improve the control rate in some of these other countries?


    Prof. Heagerty: It is an interesting problem. Firstly, we must identify all of the patients and people are getting better at doing that. We now know that between 30~40% of adults in most countries are going to have hypertension. Then, we must make patients aware that there is a problem and we can do something about it and then we have to treat them properly and we have to then re-measure the blood pressure and be sure that it goes down. Various countries are at different stages in their detection, awareness, and treatment programs. Canada has had a wonderful screening program and an awareness program over the last ten years. As you rightly pointed out, the prevalence of hypertension in Canada remains about 1 in 5 adults but the treatment levels are above 2/3, which is outstanding. Other countries have different health care systems, do not have such good awareness programs, and do not have such stringent checks on management. Until the last few years, the U.K. for example, had very poor adequate treatment levels but that has risen quite dramatically as a result of primary care centers receiving some of their salary as a result of their performance in primary care prevention programs. So we have a number of issues. We must start programs in developing countries where we actually measure blood pressure. To a certain extent, we must do that in order to find out how many people have the disease. Then, we have the problem of how to treat it because drugs cost a lot of money. Therefore, our society is working hard to try to influence health care budget levels with various ministries and WHO agencies, we want to improve detection rates, and we want to ensure these people are properly and adequately managed. We can have a two-pronged attack. We can have a zero money option because if we can influence dietary changes and reduce the sodium content of peoples’ diets then their blood pressure will fall and that is something we can do without any drugs. There are also some extremely cheap drugs and if we can persuade health care systems to purchase them, many patients will be properly treated. As a result, we are working hard with the WHO and through the WHO to government policy makers on health to try to influence this agenda. 

    Heagerty 教授:这个观点非常有意思,也是个有趣的问题。首先,我们必须确定高血压患者,然后给予治疗,患者的病征得到好转。此外,我们发现在许多国家,约有30-40%的成年人将成高血压患者。

        我们有一个双管齐下的解决方案。 我们可以在金钱上采取零点方案,如果能真正改变人们的饮食习惯和减少饮食中的钠摄入量,他们的血压就会下降。而且未服用任何药物。此外,若我们能说服医疗保健系统购买一些非常廉价的药物,许多患者将得到妥善的治疗。我们正努力和WHO一起,通过WHO劝说政府机构通过这一方案。

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用户:zuojunli 时间:2010/10/18 13:06:13
That is so great! I can obtain a lot of information from this speech.


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