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作者:G.P.Ussia教授 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/8/29 14:39:00    加入收藏
 关键字:G.P.Ussia教授  冠心病   经导管主动脉瓣置入术 

    <International Circulation>: Percutaneous aortic valve implantation is in its initial stages and not yet perfected. What are the potential problems and solutions arising from this new technology?

    Dr Ussia: Currently worldwide, have been treated more than 20000 patients with both of these valves. There is a learning curve which exists for the first twenty to fifty patients so each center conducting the procedure saw a higher rate of complications in the early stages of their experience, but with increased experience, these centers have seen a marked decrease in the complication rates from 10% to 4%. Potential complications are essentially related to the vascular access because we have to use a sheath of large diameter but the companies are markedly reducing the diameter of the equipment and in the future with a 16 French sheath we will dramatically reduce vascular complications. Another specific complication is the potential for AV conduction disturbances with the need for a permanent pace maker, and potential coronary occlusion, but these complications can be reduced with good patient selection and the experience of the operator in correctly positioning the valve.

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