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作者:P.M.Nilsson|张宇清 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/6/20 11:38:00    加入收藏
 关键字:Navigator 巅峰对话 高血压 代谢综合征 整体治疗策略 

    Internation Circulation:  Professor Zhang, is the additional stroke benefit worth it to go lower than 135 mmHg here in China?

  《国际循环》:张教授,在中国,这种额外的卒中获益是否值得将血压降至低于135 mmHg呢?

    Zhang Yuting: I discussed this with Professor Nilsson when he was in China during his last visit.We think that stroke is a blood pressure sensitive endpoint, if you lower blood pressure than you get more benefit in stroke prevention.This is especially the case in China because our major complication associated with hypertension is major stroke.Our stroke to myocardial infarction ratio is 5:1 or 6:1, even after 20 years.In the current CHIEF study in Chinese intervention,which is being carried out by Professors Liu and Wang, also find that the preliminary results are finding that the ratio has not changed.The main complication associated with cardiovascular events is still stroke.So I think it is important to lower blood pressure.I would agree with Professor Nilsson that this is not a conclusive result right now.
     张宇清教授:在Nilsson教授上次来访中国期间,我跟他讨论了这个问题。我们认为,卒中是一个血压敏感的终点,一旦你降低血压你在卒中预防上就能获得更多益处。 在中国尤其如此,因为我们与血压相关的主要并发症就是卒中。我们的卒中/心肌梗死比值是5:1或 6:1,即使是在20年以后。对中国人进行干预的正在进行的CHIEF研究,这是由刘教授和王教授领导开展的研究,初步结果也发现这一比值并未改变。与心血管事件相关的主要并发症仍是卒中。因此我认为降低血压至关重要。我同意Nilsson教授的观点,即目前尚无决定性的结果。

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用户:valen520 时间:2010/6/27 0:08:00
very good!think you。


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