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[EuroPCR 2012]PCI术后长期与短期抗血小板治疗的比较——美国洛杉矶Cedars-Sinai医学中心Sanjay Kaul教授专访

作者:S.Kaul 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/5/29 9:34:23    加入收藏
 关键字:PCI S.Kaul 抗血小板治疗 

  International Circulation: How would you evaluate the value of platelet function testing in the prediction of thrombosis risk and decision of DAPT duration?
  Dr. Kaul: Platelet function testing (PFT) has modest prognostic ability (ability to predict risk regardless of treatment allocation) but no proven predictive utility (ability to modify risk by therapeutic targeting) as PFT-guided intensification of antiplatelet therapy has failed to demonstrate a treatment benefit.  In my opinion, PFT remains an investigational tool and not ready for prime time clinical practice.
  International Circulation: It has been reported that genetic polymorphism testing is valuable for the prognosis of genetic individual therapy. Is it necessary to have this for individual DAPT?
  Dr. Kaul: The prognostic as well predictive utility of genotype testing is even lower compared with PFT. In addition, the low prognostic utility is further compounded by the very low frequency of adverse ischemic events such as stent thrombosis. Thus, when the pretest probability (prevalence) is very low, post-test probability (positive predictive value) is not going to be very high, thereby limiting the clinical utility of both PFT and genotype testing.
  While genotype is strongly associated with stent thrombosis risk, the discriminating ability is modest and the predictive utility for therapeutic modification of risk remains unproven. Guideline recommendations for use of genotyping are based more on consensus opinion rather than empirical evidence.
  International Circulation: The duration of DAPT after PCI is still recommended as 12 months by current guidelines. However it has been questioned as some trials confirmed that longer-term treatment may have more benefits while some trials showed no difference between 6 month and 12 month. What are your thoughts on length of treatment?
  Dr. Kaul: The current evidence base is insufficient to adjudicate the optimal duration of DAPT post-PCI. Most trials that have been performed to address this question are limited by small sample size, lack of rigorous statistical methodology, and lack of ability to address heterogeneity of treatment effect across patient risk, complexity of intervention or stent type categories. Several large methodologically rigorous trials are currently under way that will hopefully provide valid data to reliably guide clinical practice in the near future. Until then, I would recommend a prudent approach of tailoring duration of DAPT to the underlying patient risk, complexity of intervention and the type of DES. For high-risk patients (such as those with diabetes, ACS) undergoing complex PCI (left main disease, multivessel disease, bifurcation lesions), I would recommend treatment duration longer than 6-12m. For elective noncomplex PCIs with newer generation DES, I might feel comfortable with 3-6months of DAPT.


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