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[ESC2010]房颤的流行病学及治疗进展——J.Y. Le Heuzey教授专访

作者:J.Y.LeHeuzey 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/8/31 20:18:00    加入收藏
 关键字:房颤 J.Y. Le.Heuzey 

    <International Circulation>: What is the current situation regarding AF in terms of disease burden and etiology?

    Dr Le Heuzey : It is clear that atrial fibrillation is becoming one of the major topics in arrhythmology, cardiology, and even in medicine in general. In a lot of countries, the proportion of patients is around 1% of the total population, which is a huge number of patients..


    <International Circulation>: Have there been any updates or alterations in the current ESC guidelines for strategies for prevention of AF?

    Dr Le Heuzey : Yes, when we updated the guidelines one of the objectives was to put AF in the landscape of cardiac diseases because it is clear that most patients with AF have a lot of comorbidities, such as hypertension, heart failure, etc. That was the first goal—to make sure that AF is not an isolated disease but to put it into perspective with all the other cardiac diseases. The second goal was to attempt to give a better evaluation of the risk and risk stratification for thromboembolism. Unfortunately, although new and interesting antithrombotic drugs are arriving, the first of these drugs called dabigatran still does not have market authorization in the U.S. and Europe. Therefore, it was not possible to put it inside the recommendations but you will find it in the text.


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