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[ASH2010]Treatment Strategy for Diabetes Patients with CVD ——Luis Kuritsky教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/5/21 12:44:00    加入收藏
 关键字:Luis Kuritsky ASH2010 糖尿病  CVD 

    Luis Kuritsky教授:糖尿病合并心血管疾病患者的治疗还是很明确的。我们需要控制患者的血压和血脂。不过,血糖控制不宜过于严格,因为研究显示强化降糖不会使患者更多获益。另外,我们知道血压也不能降低过低,目前的降压目标值比以前更容易实现。

    <International Circulation>: Can you discuss the latest treatment strategy for diabetes patients with CVD? Could you please talk a little about the latest development of your research?

    Prof. Kuritsky: The standards are holding strong and we need to control blood pressure, lipids, and we need to be gentler with glucose control with no advantage being shown to tight control of glucose. Furthermore, now that we have learned the same thing with blood pressure control clinicians have a more achievable objective than ever before.

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