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P.I.C.X.E.L.:Efficacy of very low dose perindopril 2 mg/indapamide 0.625 mg combination on left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients: the P.I.C.X.E.L. study rationale and design.

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2004/8/6 0:00:00    加入收藏

 Gosse P, Dubourg O, Gueret P, De Simone G, Schmieder R, De Leeuw PW, Degaute JP, Garcia Puig J, Karpov Y, Magometschnigg D, Matos L, Amouyel P, Asmar R, Le Heuzey JY, Nieminen M, Dahlof B. Service de Cardiologie- Hypertension arterielle, Hop. Saint Andre, Bordeaux, France. philippe.gosse@chu-bordeaux.fr The PICXEL study is designed to evaluate the effects of long-term administration of very low-dose combination perindopril 2 mg/indapamide 0.625 mg (Per/Ind) vs enalapril in reducing left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) in hypertensive patients. This multicentre, controlled, randomised, double-blind, parallel group study is carried-out to assess the variation of left ventricular mass index (LVMI) after treatment, using a centralised control of M-mode echocardiography determinations, and a dedicated software for semi-automatic measurement. Following a 4-week placebo run-in period, hypertensive outpatients aged >/=18 years, with LVH (LVMI >120 and 100 g/m(2) for men and women, respectively), are randomised to receive once daily, over 52 weeks, either Per/Ind or enalapril. According to blood pressure levels, the dose may be adjusted. In addition to clinical examinations, ECG, blood pressure, heart rate and laboratory assessments echocardiographic determinations are performed for selection, at baseline, after 24 weeks and at the end of the study. The main outcome criteria is the change from baseline in LVMI which is considered the primary efficacy criterion; changes in blood pressure and echo-Doppler parameters constitute secondary criteria. Two-sided Student’s t-test for independent samples will be used to differentiate the effects of the treatment between groups with alpha = 5%, and the inter-group difference of LVMI variation will be analysed with a power of 90%. A sample size of 500 patients is required making it necessary to randomise at least 550 patients, based on a 10% proportion of potentially non-assessable patients. The results of this study, obtained after applying strict methodological procedures and requirements, are expected to provide valuable and reliable information on the effects of long-term administration of Per/Ind on LVH, and on its potential superiority over enalapril.


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