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  • [CIT2010]CIT2010每日新闻(2010年4月1日)


    作者:国际循环网 有20018人浏览 发布于:2010-04-07

  • [ACC2010]领航实践,早期干预——ACC最新发布NAVIGATOR研究...


    作者:国际循环网 有49812人浏览 发布于:2010-04-06

  • [CIT2010]关于生物降解支架的观点——Professor Maurice Buc...

    The purpose of designing biodegradable stents is to resolve problems including both early intimal hyperplasia of BMS and late in-stent thrombosis of DES. How wide is the gap between the dream of solving all these problems and the present reality?

    作者:国际循环网 有46351人浏览 发布于:2010-04-06

  • [CIT2010]冠状动脉分叉病变的介入治疗策略及优化

    比较Crush和Provisional T治疗BL疗效。所有患者均接受雷帕霉素药物洗脱支架治疗,350例BL患者随机分为Crush组(n=177)和Provisional T组(n=173),结果发现两组患者的主支和分支病变界定再狭窄率均无统计学差异;两组6个月时的MACE发生率也无显著性差异......

    作者:陈良龙 有26198人浏览 发布于:2010-04-06

  • [CIT2010]颈动脉支架术:趋势和进展——Horst Sievert教授专...

    For patients with carotid artery stenosis, there is not general agreement on whether to select carotid artery stenting or carotid endarterectomy. Could you share your experience in this field? If the patient has asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis, would you choose stenting, best medical treatment, or surgery?

    作者:国际循环网 有92054人浏览 发布于:2010-04-02

  • [CIT2010]Ron Waksman FFR对比IVUS CRT at CIT

    <International Circulation>: It is the first time for CRT to be a partner with CIT; could you please give a brief introduction of CRT and the nature of the CRT participation at CIT?

    作者:国际循环网 有50113人浏览 发布于:2010-04-02

  • [CIT2010]CIT现场新闻

    As an overview of contemporary therapy for coronary artery disease, a contingent of invited speakers presented brief lectures and discussion on the topic in this morning’s session. The pros and cons of revascularization processes were the major themes and the latest updates from the ACC/AHA Guidelines for STEMI and PCI were outlined.....

    作者:国际循环网 有15237人浏览 发布于:2010-04-02

  • [CIT2010]经皮主动脉瓣:它将代替手术?

    Introduced as a provocative topic, Professor Maurice Buchbinder, Foundation for Cardiovascular Medicine, La Jolla, California admitted himself to finding the role of percutaneous aortic valves as controversial. The current generation devices in transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) he outlined are.....

    作者:国际循环网 有14250人浏览 发布于:2010-04-02

  • [CIT2010]现场报道:高密度脂蛋白治疗的新见解

    There is enough evidence to say that HDL acts as a protective agent against coronary heart disease, was the opening message from Professor Ron Waksman from the Washington Hospital Center, Washington DC, and a clear indication of an inverse relationship between HDL-C and CHD. HDL functions by protecting low-density lipoproteins ......

    作者:国际循环网 有14619人浏览 发布于:2010-04-02

  • [CIT2010]CIT2010开幕式

    Professor Run-Lin Gao introduced the opening ceremony this evening in the Main Hall of the CNCC, proudly welcoming the packed hall and acknowledging the roles of major sponsors, the Chinese Medical Association, the Board of Directors of China Interventional Therapeutics and the Chinese Society of Cardiology, and the many local and international co-sponsors. From the first CIT held in October 2003, eight years ago......

    作者:国际循环网 有18176人浏览 发布于:2010-04-02

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