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  • [WCC2010]STE-ACS临床进展——王乐峰教授专访

    《国际循环》:基于“时间就是心肌” 的原则,在急诊PCI最佳时机的选择上有哪些进展? 王乐峰教授: 急诊PCI的最佳时间当然是越早越好。现在我们国家急诊PCI的最佳时机都被耽搁在患者到医院这2个小时中......

    作者:国际循环网 有46070人浏览 发布于:2010-07-15

  • [CAFS2010]第8届心房颤动国际论坛(CAFS 08’ 大连)

    主办单位:中华医学会心电生理与起搏学会 中国生物医学工程学会心律分会

    作者:国际循环网 有43632人浏览 发布于:2010-07-07

  • 第二届临床心血管病大会(CCC2011)暨第八届中国冠心病介入...


    作者:国际循环网 有18028人浏览 发布于:2010-07-06

  • [WCC2010]PPARs与RASS之间的交互应答—— Prof. Eckel专访

    <International Circulation>: Combination therapy may be an important concept in developing more effective strategies to treat and prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Combination therapy with statins, PPARS (peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor agonists), and RAAS (renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system) blockers demonstrate additive beneficial effects. What is the current thinking on the relationship between PPARs and RAAS as presented at this meeting?

    作者:国际循环网 有45244人浏览 发布于:2010-07-02

  • [WCC2010]急性冠脉综合征的病理生理机制与炎症因子标记物—...

    <International Circulation>: The Optimized Coronary Artery Disease Treatment Strategy has made rapid progress. Could you share with us the latest developments in exploring the pathogenesis of the acute coronary syndromes, and especially their implications for management?

    作者:P.Libby 有58435人浏览 发布于:2010-07-02

  • [WCC2010] 心肌炎的诊断——Dr Liu专访

    <International Circulation>: The diagnosis and treatment of myocarditis is your area of expertise. What advances have been seen in the diagnosis of myocarditis especially with respect to imaging and endomyocardial biopsy?

    作者:国际循环网 有50596人浏览 发布于:2010-07-02

  • [WCC2010] 房间隔缺损的治疗进展——Dr Uemura专访

    <International Circulation>: Sinus venosus syndrome is a very specific condition, as is its correction. Firstly, can you give us a brief overview of the syndrome?

    作者:国际循环网 有52484人浏览 发布于:2010-07-02

  • [WCC2010]重症肢体缺血的危险因素与治疗现状——Prof. Emmer...


    作者:国际循环网 有43024人浏览 发布于:2010-07-02

  • [WCC2010]心源性休克的STEMI患者和顽固性心源性休克患者的处...

    <International Circulation>: Heart disease is the number one killer in women. Is heart disease inevitable for women?

    作者:国际循环网 有75157人浏览 发布于:2010-07-02

  • [WCC2010]干细胞在体构建工程化心脏组织


    作者:国际循环网 有18672人浏览 发布于:2010-07-02

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