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  • [ESC2010]伊伐布雷定对中至重度心力衰竭和左室收缩功能不全...

    伊伐布雷定,一种If抑制剂,既往已研究了其对冠心病和左室功能不全的效应;SHIFT(Systolic Heart failure treatment with the If inhibitor ivabradine Trial,伊伐布雷定治疗收缩性心力衰竭试验)研究结果显示,伊伐布雷定可显著降低心力衰竭风险。

    作者:国际循环网 有33220人浏览 发布于:2010-08-29

  • [IHF2010]心血管疾病的防控策略——H.Krumholz教授专访

    <International Circulation>: Cardiovascular disease is common throughout the world. As developed nations increasingly practice early intervention, the morbidity and mortality related to cardiovascular illness is significantly reducing. How are national health care systems globally coping with, and handling changes in populations and knowledge?

    作者:国际循环网 有45940人浏览 发布于:2010-08-29

  • [IHF2010]抗栓治疗进展——J.Spertus教授专访

    <International Circulation>: A lot of work has been done by yourself and others on selection criteria for coronary revascularization procedures. What are the basic principles involved?

    作者:J.Spertus教授 有49227人浏览 发布于:2010-08-29

  • [IHF2010]经导管主动脉瓣置入术——G.P.Ussia教授专访

    <International Circulation>: Improvements in heathcare actually leads to the increase in the incidence of some conditions, such as aortic valve calcification. Aortic valve calcification in elderly patients can cause aortic stenosis and because age has increased risk for all kinds of complications and multiple organ dysfunctions, the risk of surgery is very high. Recently, percutaneous aortic valve implantation has presented itself as an appropriate therapy for these special patients. Can you outline the indications and contraindications for the procedure?

    作者:G.P.Ussia教授 有61818人浏览 发布于:2010-08-29

  • [IHF2010]肺动脉高压病理生理机制及治疗进展——M.Wilkins教...

    <International Circulation>: Other than primary pulmonary hypertension, many other conditions can cause pulmonary hypertension. Could you outline the common diseases that lead to pulmonary hypertension and the pathophysiological mechanism?

    作者:M.Wilkins教授 有78845人浏览 发布于:2010-08-29

  • [IHF2010]药物基因组学预测华法林的剂量——M.Lee专访

    <International Circulation>: Warfarin as a classical anticoagulant drug is widely used in clinical practice. If the dose of warfarin is excessive, hemorrhage may occur and if the dose of warfarin is insufficient, embolism may occur. So clinicians need to be careful and prudent in using warfarin. Predicting warfarin dosage using pharmacogenetic algorithms is more scientific and reasonable however this technique is still strange to many clinicians. Can you outline the measures involved in applying this technique?

    作者:M.Lee 有63745人浏览 发布于:2010-08-29

  • [IHF2010]易损斑块的研究新进展——G.S.Mintz教授专访

    <International Circulation>: we have many techniques to identify vulnerable plaque and with the development of new technologies, there is the potential for discovering new characteristics of vulnerable plaque. Can you tell us about these new characteristics?

    作者:G.S.Mintz教授 有30406人浏览 发布于:2010-08-29

  • [IHF2010]超声心动图在心衰中的应用——T.Ryan教授专访

    <International Circulation>: In clinical practice, it is difficult, if not inappropriate, to diagnose based on signs and symptoms alone prior to performing echo or other examinations. Please tell us about the role of echocardiography in the diagnosis of heart failure.

    作者:T.Ryan教授 有27336人浏览 发布于:2010-08-29

  • [IHF2010]一站式杂交技术——M.Turina 教授专访

    <International Circulation>: The one-stop hybrid procedure is a new branch of minimally invasive cardiac surgery with encouraging prospects. Could you introduce one-stop hybrid technology for us and how it fits into the current operating theatre and its potential for the future?

    作者:M.Turina教授 有11908人浏览 发布于:2010-08-29

  • [ESC2010]Fausto J. Pinto简介

    Fausto J. Pinto 葡萄牙里斯本大学心脏病学系主任,里斯本心血管研究中心主任,ESC计划委员会主席,欧洲超声心动协会(EAE)往届主席.

    作者:国际循环网 有18811人浏览 发布于:2010-08-27

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